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Our Mission – the formation of apostles to change the world
Christ, as God, was able to reach out to all peoples. However, he decided to form a small group of disciples – apostles, to whom he devoted most time and attention, and through them and their successors he proclaimed the Good News to the whole world.
That is why, by fulfilling our mission, we try to imitate Christ who:
- goes out to the people,
- reveals to them the love of his heart,
- gathers them together and forms them as apostles, Christian leaders,
- sends them and accompanies them in cooperation with him in the evangelization of people and society.
Statutes of Regnum Christi 8

Our strategy: 5 elements of formation
1. Spiritual life – the chapel
Being an apostle requires above all caring for the development of spiritual life through participation in the liturgy and reception of the sacraments, meditating on the Sacred Scripture and personal and community prayer. This is why the chapel is the center of our house.
2. Community – Meeting room
There is no development without meeting with other people. Members of the community, following the example of the original Church communities, united by brotherly love, help each other on their path to holiness, in formation and apostolic activities.
3. Formation – the auditorium
Formation is a path that helps each member grow in human and Christian maturity in accordance with their state of life, cooperate effectively in the apostolate and transform reality.
4. Apostolate – apostolate rooms
Touched by Christ’s love for people, our members are committed to establishing His Kingdom on earth, meeting people in their specific life situations and inviting them to participate in Christ’s mission.
House of the Apostles
We all know how important the HOME is in our lives. In the apostle’s life, too, a place is needed where he can meet Christ and other apostles, form himself and do apostolate with others, allowing themselves to discover the fullness of their vocation.
5. Accompaniment – rooms for spiritual direction
We offer all our members accompaniment and spiritual direction as an excellent means to grow in their spiritual life and on the path to the fullness of their vocation.
Let’s change this world for the better
Those who truly meet Christ cannot keep Him for themselves. That is why they become his apostles where they are, living authentically Christian values and bringing the Good News to others. So, get to know our apostolates and join us as an apostle of Christ! The world today needs Jesus’ witnesses.
I take the honorary patronage of this work, granting a pastoral blessing to all who undertake the effort to get involved in its creation.
Have courage – the Lord is with you. Preach the Good News – the world awaits.
Today we truly need prayer and testimony that is heavenly-inspired. I support and wholeheartedly recommend this initiative to everyone.